2023-08 August
2023-08-21 Monday
PlantUML and GraphViz (DOT)
It is a tool (Java library/package) that helps one to create UML diagrams with ease.
For the full details of it, one should look at https://plantuml.com/.
The basic idea is that you write the diagram you need in plain text, and then using java + plantuml.jar (downloaded from the website above), generate a nice diagram.
Your steps
Setup java on your machine
Download PlantUML.jar
Create your text file for the diagram (see example here)
@startuml title Your title center footer Your footer skinparam classFontName Georgia skinparam roundcorner 20 skinparam defaultFontName Georgia skinparam dpi 160 participant "Participant Fellow" as participant actor Actor as actor boundary Boundary as boundary control Control as control entity Entity as entity database Database as db collections Collections as colls queue Queue as q participant -> actor : To actor participant -> boundary : To boundary participant -> control : To control participant -> entity : To entity participant -> db : To database participant -> colls : To collections participant -> q: To queue boundary -> actor : To actor control -> boundary : To boundary db -> control : To control actor -> entity : To entity entity -> db : To database q -> colls : To collections colls -> q: To queue @enduml
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) # set the JAVA_HOME variable java -jar path/to/plantuml.jar -verbose <inputfile>
You will have the output as png in the folder.
DOT / Grapviz
For this, you need to install graphviz on your system and should have the command
available.Installation is straight forward in *nix machines. See https://graphviz.org/
Install Graphviz, have Dot
Create input file (example)
digraph name { Sample -> Diagram -> Workflow; Test -> Diagram; Sample -> Workflow }
Run command
dot -Tpng input.file > output.png
You have the output ready.
2023-09 September
2023-09-04 Monday
Marshaling magic in Golang
If you want to customise the json representation of a field in a golang struct, you can just add some custome JSON tag
type OneStruct struct { PublicField `json"public_field"` AnotherField `json:"camelCasedInJSON"` }
This won’t help you expose private fields. If you want to expose them, you need to override the
method of the struct. See the example belowpackage main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) type MyStruct struct { UpperCase string lowerCase string // NOTE: This field is not exported, and will not be in the json secret string } // createStruct creates a struct with an exported and an unexported field. func createStruct() *MyStruct { return &MyStruct{ UpperCase: "UPPER", lowerCase: "lower", } } // we implement the Marshaler interface for our struct. // This means that when we call json.Marshal on our struct, this // method will be called. func (s *MyStruct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { // we create a new "marshalable" struct with the fields we want to // export. We do not need to create a new type for this, we can // just use a struct literal. marshalable := struct { UpperCase string `json:"upperCase"` LowerCase string `json:"lower_case"` }{ // NOTE: The order of the keys is not guaranteed. UpperCase: s.UpperCase, LowerCase: s.lowerCase, } return json.Marshal(marshalable) } func main() { ourStruct := createStruct() json, err := json.Marshal(ourStruct) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } fmt.Println(string(json)) }
– sillyfellow @
2023-12 December
2023-12-01 Friday
Refresh token (access token)
- Do not use JWT (Just DON’T)
- Always have a sessions table
- Which belongs to the USER
- i.e., sessions table has a user_id column
- Have access_token and refresh_token
- ideally as varchar(256), not text
- do not allow them to grow
- security shall be mostly based on rotation, not purely on length
- Must have access_token_expires_at and refresh_token_expires at columns (both datetime, and keep them as UTC)
- make sure to have these columns calculated during the creation of the session. Do not think of doing “time-math” for calculating expiry.
- Because, you may login with one server, but the next server you have the auth checked might have a different time stamp/zone
- make sure to have these columns calculated during the creation of the session. Do not think of doing “time-math” for calculating expiry.
- access/refresh tokens shall be unique
- Which belongs to the USER
- From the above, it becomes possible to have multiple active sessions for one user.
- If that is not desired, restrict that at code level, not at DB level
- Generate random strings for access token and refresh token
- keep them URLsafe (you’ll thank me when you have a mobile app)
- Keep them about 256 char long
- no longer
- no shorter
- Make access_expiry in a few minutes, and refresh_expiry in a few days
- Standard auth is having authorisation header
Authorisation: Bearer <access-token>
- Refresh token will require
Authorisation: Bearer <refresh-token>
- Deal with Auth always in a middleware and keep the logged in user, or the session found by looking up the access_token (or refresh_token) in the sessions table
- On refresh, delete the current session object, and create a new one with new
- access_token, and new expiry in a few minutes
- refresh_token, with new expiry in a few days
- Disallow refresh if the refresh token is already expired
- So, if a user logs in and is inactive for a few days, the refresh token expires, and they will have to login fresh again
- But as long as the user does a “refresh” before the refresh-token is expired, they will have sessions alive always.